Denna rapport innehåller bakgrundsdata för arbetet som presenteras i Holmgren et al. (2015). Holmgren et al. (2015) uppskattar investeringskostnader för tre förgasningsbaserade biodrivmedels-produktionssystem, för SNG, metanol och Fischer-Tropsch bränslen, och jämför med kostnader för liknande system som presenterats i litteraturen.
This report contains supplementary data for the work presented in Holmgren et al. (2015) in which investment costs for three gasification based biofuel production systems, producing SNG, methanol and Fischer-Tropsch fuels respectively, are estimated and compared to other estimates for similar systems in literature. The paper Holmgren et al. (2015) was also presented at the Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES 2015) in Kuching, Malaysia, 22-27 August 2015. This report is only available in English.