IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

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Styrmedel för ökad materialåtervinning - En kartläggning
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet.
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet.
2014 (svensk)Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
Abstract [sv]

Syftet med projektet var att sammanställa ännu outnyttjade potentialer för materialåtervinning i Sverige samt att kartlägga, analysera och föreslå styrmedel som kan bidra till en ökad materialåtervinning. Projektet genomfördes som en litteraturstudie av potentiella styrmedel för ökad materialåtervinning, en fördjupad analys av styrmedel som bedömdes särskilt intressanta att beskriva och värdera närmare samt en analys av två utvalda styrmedel. Sammanlagt beskrevs tio olika styrmedel som bedömdes ha potential att öka materialåtervinningen i Sverige. Två av dessa, Krav på materialåtervinning för bygg- och rivningsprojekt samt Krav på utsortering och materialåtervinning av avfall från verksamheter och hushåll analyserades närmare utifrån olika aspekter (t.ex. potentiell miljövinst genom materialåtervinning, kostnad för implementering och acceptans). Valet motiverades med att mycket avfall från bygg- och rivningssektorn inte sorteras och att det finns stora mängder återvinningsbart material i blandat avfall. Potentialen att öka materialåtervinningen bedömdes som stor och förutsättningarna för genomförande vara relativt goda.

Abstract [en]

The aim of the project was to map unexplored potentials for material recycling in Sweden and to list, analyse and suggest policy instruments that could contribute to an increased material recycling . The result should be possible to use as a basis for discussion on effective and suitable policy instruments for increased material recycling. The project was carried out in the following steps: Literature review Based on the literature review, a list of policy instruments with connection to material recycling was created. Progression Within the project five criteria that were seen as important for the policy instrument to have the desired effect were defined (potential amount of material, potential environmental benefit, acceptance, cost and holistic perspective). Based on these criteria ten policy instruments were selected to be described and evaluated more in detail. In a workshop with members from Återvinningsindustrierna (Recycling industry) the ten policy instruments were discussed with respect to their ability to exploit unexplored potentials for material recycling, barriers to implement the policy instrument and the probability that the policy instrument can be introduced in Sweden. Based on these discussions two policy instruments were selected for deeper analysis. Analysis The two selected policy instruments were described and evaluated based on ten different aspects, including which actors that would be affected, potential amounts for material recycling, potential environmental benefit, the cost for implementation and acceptance. (see chapter 7). The two policy instruments selected for deeper analysis are ”Requirements on material recycling for construction and demolition waste” and “Requirements on sorting and material recycling of waste from businesses and households”. The selection of these policy instruments was motivated by the fact that large amounts of waste from the construction and demolition sector still are not sorted and that there is a lot of recyclable material in the mixed waste from businesses and households. In total approximately 2.8 million tons of different kinds of mixed waste were generated in 2010 in Sweden. Out of this a large share could be sorted out for material recycling, hence the potential for increased material recycling was regarded as large. Similar policy instruments have already been implemented with positive results in other places, which indicated that that they are realisable and can gain acceptance. In total the conditions for implementation of the two policy instruments are believed to be relatively good. The policy instruments discussed in the report are suggestions with the main purpose to increase the amounts of waste available for material recycling. To reach increased material recycling and thereby decreased environmental impact and increased resource efficiency, other measures might be necessary. Not least, it is important to stimulate the market for recycled material and make material recycling more desirable than other treatment options. This report is only available in Swedish.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, 2014.
B-rapport ; B2196
Emneord [sv]
Materialåtervinning, byggavfall, verksamhetsavfall, avfall, styrmedel
URN: urn:nbn:se:ivl:diva-2529OAI: oai:DiVA.org:ivl-2529DiVA, id: diva2:1551972
Tilgjengelig fra: 2021-05-05 Laget: 2021-05-05 Sist oppdatert: 2021-05-05bibliografisk kontrollert

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