IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

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Results from the Swedish National Screening Programme 2010 Subreport 3. Pharmaceuticals
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
2011 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

En screeningundersökning av läkemedel har utförts där urvalet av läkemedel i studien gjordes utifrån ekotoxikologiska kriterier, främst potens och potential att biokoncentrera. Som komplement till detta urval inkluderades också några antibiotika och några läkemedel som ingått i tidigare screeningundersökningar. Totalt 101 läkemedel och 54 prover ingick i den nationella screeningen och 67 prover ingick i den regionala screeningen. Screeningundersökningen fokuserade på diffusa emissioner från tätbebyggda områden med betoning på inkommande och utgående avloppsvatten från avloppsreninsverk (ARV) och deras recipienter. Biotaprover (abborre) ingick också från två kontrollsjöar och två av recipienterna samt dricksvatten från två städer. Av de 101 läkemedel som ingick i studien detekterades 92 i inkommande avloppsvatten i minst ett ARV, i halter mellan låga ng/L upp till 540 µg/L, median koncentration var 53 ng/L. Paracetamol uppmättes i högst halter, 540 µg/L. Av 101 läkemedel detekterades 85 i utgående avloppsvatten i minst ett ARV, i halter mellan låga ng/L upp till 4 µg/L, median-koncentration var 35 ng/L. Diklofenak uppmättes i högst halter (3.9 µg/L) i utgående avloppsvatten. Avskiljningsgrad och koncentrationer i slam från alla fyra ARV presenteras också. Av läkemedlen uppmättes 66 i ytvatten (låga ng/l upp till 1.8 µg/L) och de uppmätta halterna utvärderades genom att jämföra dem med kritiska miljökoncentrationer; dvs. den vattenkoncentration som förväntas orsaka en farmakologisk respons i fisk. Denna utvärdering visade att fem av läkemedlen uppmättes i halter som sannolikt orsakar en farmakologisk respons i fisk som exponeras för detta vatten. I de sju biotaproverna detekterades totalt 23 läkemedel. Koncentrationerna var låga (låga µg/Kg) och de högsta detekterade halterna fanns i fisk fångad i närheten av Kungsängs-verkets ARV (Uppsala) utsläppspunkt i Fyrisån. Uppmätta läkemedel i biota korrelerar med uppmätta halter i ytvattnet och med tidigare publicerade data av läkemedelsrester i biota.I de sex dricksvattenproverna detekterades totalt 26 läkemedel (låga ng/L). Det var en signifikant skillnad mellan dricksvattnet i de bägge städerna, bara två läkemedel kunde detekteras i dricksvattnet från Umeå, karbamazepin och trimetoprim, medan 26 läkemedel detekterades i dricksvattenproverna från Stockholm.

Abstract [en]

A screening study has been performed concerning Pharmaceuticals where the selection of pharmaceuticals included in the screening was based on ecotoxicological criteria, primarily potency and potential to bioconcentrate. In addition, antibiotics and some pharmaceuticals that have been included in previous screening programmes were also included. A total of 101 pharmaceuticals and 54 samples were included in the national programme and 67 samples were included in the regional programme. The sampling programme was focused on diffuse emissions from urban areas reflected in samples from waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) and their receiving waters. Biota samples (perch) from two background lakes and two of the receiving waters and also drinking water from two cities were also included. Of the 101 pharmaceuticals included in this study 92 were detected in the WWTP influent of at least one WWTP, in levels that ranged from low ng/L up to 540 µg/L, with a median concentration of 53 ng/L. Paracetamol was the pharmaceutical that was detected in highest amounts, up to 540 µg/L. 85 of the 101 pharmaceuticals included in this study were detected in the effluent of at least one WWTP, in levels that ranged from low ng/L up to 4 µg/L, with a median concentration of 35 ng/L. Diclofenac was the pharmaceutical that was detected in highest amounts (3.9 µg/L) in the effluent. Removal efficiencies and sludge concentrations from all four WWTPs are also presented.Of the 101 pharmaceuticals included in this study 66 were detected in the surface water samples in the range from low ng/L up to 1.8 µg/L. Measured surface water concentrations were evaluated by comparing them to critical environmental concentrations, i.e. the water concentration that is expected to cause a pharmacological effect in fish. This evaluation showed that five pharmaceuticals in these samples are expected to cause a pharmacological response in fish exposed to these waters. In this study 23 pharmaceuticals were detected in the seven biota (perch) samples. Concentrations were in the low µg/Kg range and highest detected levels were found in the perch caught in close proximity to the discharge point of WWTP Kungsängsverket (Uppsala) in River Fyris. Detected pharmaceuticals in biota correlate to the surface water concentrations and previous reports on the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in biota.Low levels (low ng/L range) of 26 pharmaceuticals were detected in the drinking water samples. There was significant difference between the two drinking waters; only two pharmaceuticals could be detected in the samples from Umeå, carbamazepine and trimethoprim, while 26 pharmaceuticals were detected in the Stockholm samples.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, 2011.
B report ; B2014
Keywords [sv]
pharmaceuticals, screening, waste water treatment plant, WWTP, sludge, surface water, biota, critical environmental concentration, CEC
URN: urn:nbn:se:ivl:diva-2649OAI: oai:DiVA.org:ivl-2649DiVA, id: diva2:1552093
Available from: 2021-05-05 Created: 2021-05-05 Last updated: 2021-05-05Bibliographically approved

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