IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

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IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
2015 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

IVL har tidigare utvecklat en kunskapsplattform som stöd för arbetsmiljöarbetet vid reningsverk i form av en webbplats, ArbetsmiljöVA, www.arbetsmiljova.se. Denna webbplats har nu kompletterats med information om arbetsmiljö i ledningsnätet. Arbete i ledningsnätet innebär arbetsmiljörisker bl.a. exponering för mikroorganismer/ virus/ parasiter, dålig hygien, stress, tunga lyft, fallolyckor och ensamarbete.

Dessutom förekommer risker med syrebrist i slutna utrymmen samt exponering för höga halter av gaser (exempelvis svavelväte, koldioxid). Dessa risker accentueras av att arbetet görs på tillfälliga arbetsplatser och i trafikmiljöer där tillträdesvägarna till tunnlar, ledningar och brunnar ofta finns. Dessutom finns särskilda risker med arbete inuti tunnlar och i ledningsnätet liksom med slamsugning och spolning av ledningsnätet. Webbplatsen har följande struktur: ? Arbetsmiljöarbetet ? Anläggningen ? Arbeta säkert ? Hälso- och olycksrisker ? Fakta Inom projektet har Arbetsmiljöarbetet kompletterats bl.a. med information om: Evakuering, utrymning och räddning, med fokus på rutiner bl.a. för evakuering ur brunnar, tunnlar och ledningar. Rutiner för bygg- och anläggningsarbete ? Rutiner för arbete i tunnlar och att ha kontroll på när någon går in i och lämnar tunnel. Utbildning, bland för arbete i trafikmiljö och om det förekommer arbete med motorsåg. Anläggningen har kompletterats med tips och råd om hur man kan skapa goda arbetsmiljöer när man bygger nytt och bygger om ledningsnätet. Arbeta säkert har kompletterats med konkreta råd om vad man ska tänka på för att arbeta säkert i ledningsnätet.

Abstract [en]

IVL has previously developed a web site as a support for the systematic work environment management in sewage treatment plants, ArbetsmiljöVA, www.arbetsmiljova.se. This website has now been supplemented with information about work environment risks, controls and management routines for work with water mains and sewerage networks. Work in water mains and sewerage networks is connected with occupational risks such as exposure to microorganisms, virus, parasites, poor hygiene, stress, heavy lifting, risks of falling, risks related to working alone and psychosocial discomfort. Additionally, there are risks related to lack of oxygen in confined spaces, and exposures to high concentrations of gases such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. These risks are accentuated by the fact that the work is done at temporary workplaces and with the access to the water mains and sewerage networks often located in areas with traffic close-up. Additionally, there are severe risks associated with work in tunnels and inside pipes. The development of the content of the website included developing advice regarding the working environment adapted to the needs of and conditions for work with and in water mains and sewerage networks including advice on how to deal with the problems present in the working environment. The content of the website is structured in the following topics. Work environment management Design of the establishment incl. water mains and sewerage networks Safe work Health and safety risks Facts The project has supplemented the existing website with the following information: Evacuation and rescuing with a focus on the routines that needs to be in place if accidents happen during work in water mains and sewerage networks. OHS routines needed for construction work Routines for controlling employees’ access to and working time in tunnels. Training for hazardous operations, e.g. work on road and with chain-saw. The design of establishment has been supplemented with advice on how to create good and safe working environments when building and rebuilding tunnels, pipes, wells and valve chambers. Safe work has been supplemented with concrete advice on how to work safely in water mains and sewerage networks incl. recommendations on safety equipment. Apart from these parts, the website also have different "entrance pages" under the heading Who are you? developed for different target groups. These entrances guide different professions/users of the website to the webpages of highest relevance. These entrance pages have been supplemented with entrances for foremen, safety representatives and workers working with water mains and sewerage networks. The reference group and their colleagues have assisted in the evaluation of the web site. The evaluation has shown that the users have been positive or even very positive towards the web site. It has been characterized as feasible, useful, and realistic which has been the goal for the development of the web site. This report is only available in Swedish.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, 2015.
B report ; B2223
Keywords [sv]
URN: urn:nbn:se:ivl:diva-2954OAI: oai:DiVA.org:ivl-2954DiVA, id: diva2:1552400
Available from: 2021-05-05 Created: 2021-05-05 Last updated: 2021-05-05Bibliographically approved

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