The Swedish Riksdag has decided that Sweden by 2045 should not have any net greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. To acheive this, waste incineration also needs to be fossil-free. How is Sweden going to get there? Today, there are a cuntless number of products that consist entirely or partly of fossil plastics and are today energy recovered in Sweden's waste incineration plants. Changing this requires powerful measures with consequences for, for example, socioeconomics, law and regulations for trade and recycling of plastics. The purpose of this report is to analyse various possible scenarios to acheieve the goal of "a fossil-free wast incineration". The different scenarios have different system boundaries and are based on different principles, but all in their own way reaches fossil-free wast incineration. Initially seven different scenarios are discussed in the report. Of these, four scenarios have been analysed somewhat deeper. The scenario analysis is qualitative and is intended to provide an overall assessment of feasibility and potential to achieve fossil-free waste incineration. The anlysis has been conducted regarding the criteria for socioeconomic costs; Reduction of fossil emissions globally; Need for technology development and innovation as well as legal feasibility.
IVL har på uppdrag åt Avfall Sverige utfört en studie där olika scenarier för att nå en fossilfri avfallsförbränning har analyserats.