The Deliverable 6.2 presents the main outcomes from the 1 st and 2nd Round of the EcoWater Case Study events, which took place between May 2013 and December 2014. The 1 st Round of Case Study Workshops was focused on introducing the EcoWater concept and objectives to local audiences by strengthening linkages and collaborations with local actors. The 1 st Round also included field visits and joint activities towards the familiarization of the Project Partners with the Study areas, and for the identification of the main points to be included in the analysis based on the input provided by the local stakeholders. The Case Study Workshops of the 1st Round, which were organized in the second half of the project duration, include: ? Dairy Industry Case Study Workshop (Holsterbro, Denmark, September 2013); Textile Industry Case Study Workshop (Biella, Italy, October 2013); Energy Industry Case Study Workshop (Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2013); Sofia Case Study Workshop, (Sofia, Bulgaria, February 2014); Zurich Case Study Workshop, (Au, Switzerland, March 2014). The 2nd round of events included a Workshop for each Case Study and was dedicated to summarizing the final EcoWater outcomes to local actors and identifying the externals factors that affect the adoption of innovative technologies or actions. The 2nd Round also fostered the dissemination of the Project and its preliminary results to the local actors and provided useful outcomes for the Case Study Development processes and the research activities of the Project. This report is only available in Swedish.