Several studies using a life-cycle perspective of energy peat* have come to different results depending on the choice of peatland, the production method and the after-treatment alternative etc. These studies also show that the climate impact of energy peat can be significantly reduced compared to fossil fuels such as coal, by applying different production methods, using certain peatland types for production and applying different after-treatment strategies. Based on the knowledge available, more is now known about the relationship between peat and climate and how it can be affected. According to this study which is a review of existing studies on energy peat and climate impact, a life-cycle perspective is needed in order to understand the total emissions and uptakes that occur throughout the peat utilization chain. The results from these studies show, despite of great uncertainties in emission estimates, that the climate impact of energy peat utilisation can be significantly reduced compared to today’s production by choosing drained peatlands with initially high greenhouse gas emissions for peat production. Combustion emissions are just one part of the total life-cycle emissions. *(Holmgren, Kirkinen et al. 2006; Kirkinen, Minkkinen et al. 2007; Hagberg and Kristina Holmgren 2008; Väisänen, Silvan et al. 2013)