This paper reports on the findings from INDAIRPOLLNET (INDoor AIR POLLution NETwork), a recently completedEuropean COST Action network. INDAIRPOLLNET ran from September 2018 to March 2023 with morethan 200 indoor and outdoor air quality scientists from universities, large and small companies, and researchinstitutes around Europe and beyond. The expertise of our interdisciplinary network members covered chemistry,biology, standardisation, household energy, particulate matter characterisation, toxicology, exposure assessment,air cleaning, building materials, building physics and engineering (including ventilation and energy),and building design.
The aim of INDAIRPOLLNET was to design a framework for future indoor air chemistry fieldcampaigns, building on our improved understanding of indoor air chemistry. The main focus of our network wasto better understand the sources, transformations and fate of chemical pollutants found in the air in buildings. Inthis paper, we present the main findings from our network, which include a call for greater spatial and temporalcoverage of measurements indoors, the need for standardised techniques for indoor measurements and theimpact of occupants on indoor air quality.
We also present a checklist of building parameters that should bemeasured in any future indoor air campaign. Finally, we present our new framework, focusing on 5 key researchareas: reactivity in indoor environments; mapping organic constituents indoors; the role of the occupant inindoor air chemistry; indoor modelling studies and novel materials and technologies indoors. We hope thisframework will be of use to the indoor air quality community, enabling healthier buildings for the future.