IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

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  • 1.
    Fallgren, Henrik
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Kvalitetssäkringsprogram: Avseende IVL:s mätningar i omgivningsluft för kommuner och samverkansområden2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Rapporten beskriver hur IVL:s luftkvalitetsmätningar i omgivningsluft kvalitetssäkras. Mätningarna sker antingen helt i IVL:s regi eller i samverkan med beställare såsom kommuner och luftvårdsförbund. I det senare fallet är ansvarsfördelningen viktig.

    Kvalitetssäkringsprogrammet omfattar dels kontinuerliga mätningar, dels provtagningsrutiner som följs av analys på IVL:s laboratorium. Mätmetoderna beskrivs översiktligt med redovisning av kvalitetsrelaterade parametrar. Till mätmetoderna redovisas även viktiga rutiner för kalibrering, kontroll och underhåll.

    Kvalitetskontroll och validering av mätdata behandlas, vilket relaterar till luftkvalitetsförordningens kvalitetsmål för tidstäckning, datafångst och mätosäkerhet.

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  • 2.
    Hallquist, Åsa
    et al.
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Fallgren, Henrik
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Jerksjö, Martin
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Jutterström, Sara
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Liua, Qianyun
    Salberg, Håkan
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Hallquist, Mattias
    Le Breton, Michael
    Pei, Xiangyu
    Kant Pathak, Ravi
    Liu, Tengyu
    Lee, Berto
    K. Chan, Chak
    Roadside assessment of a modern city bus fleet: Gaseous and particle emissions2019In: Atmospheric Environment: X, ISSN 2590-1621Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 3.
    Hallquist, Åsa
    et al.
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Jerksjö, Martin
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Fallgren, Henrik
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Jutterström, Sara
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Fresh and Oxidized Emissions from In-Use Transit Buses Running on Diesel, Biodiesel, and CNG2018Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The potential effect of changing to a nonfossil fuel vehicle fleet was investigated by measuring primary emissions (by extractive sampling of bus plumes) and secondary mass formation, using a Gothenburg Potential Aerosol Mass (Go:PAM) reactor, from 29 in-use transit buses. Regarding fresh emissions, diesel (DSL) buses without a diesel particulate filter (DPF) emitted the highest median mass of particles, whereas compressed natural gas (CNG) buses emitted the lowest (MdEFPM 514 and 11 mg kg fuel–1, respectively).

    Rapeseed methyl ester (RME) buses showed smaller MdEFPM and particle sizes than DSL buses. DSL (no DPF) and hybrid-electric RME (RMEHEV) buses exhibited the highest particle numbers (MdEFPN 12 × 1014 # kg fuel–1). RMEHEV buses displayed a significant nucleation mode (Dp< 20 nm). EFPN of CNG buses spanned the highest to lowest values measured. Low MdEFPN and MdEFPM were observed for a DPF-equipped DSL bus.

    Secondary particle formation resulting from exhaust aging was generally important for all the buses (79% showed an average EFPM:AGED/EFPM:FRESH ratio >10) and fuel types tested, suggesting an important nonfuel dependent source. The results suggest that the potential for forming secondary mass should be considered in future fuel shifts, since the environmental impact is different when only considering the primary emissions.

  • 4.
    Jerksjö, Martin
    et al.
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Hallquist, Åsa
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Fallgren, Henrik
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Wängberg, Ingvar
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Westerlund, Jonathan
    Avgasmätningar på bussar i verklig drift för identifiering av högemitterare2013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Inom ramen för ett forskningsprojekt samfinansierat av Västtrafik och Stiftelsen IVL har IVL under 2011 och 2012 genomfört avgasmätningar på ett hundratal bussar i Västsverige. Avgasmätningarna utfördes utomhus på gårdsplanerna hos de bussoperatörer där bussarna testats. Avgaserna mättes från varje buss när de vid upprepade tillfällen passerade mätutrustningen under fullgas¬acceleration. För att inte behöva ta hänsyn till utspädningen med luften mättes alla utsläpp relativt CO2 eftersom förhållandet till CO2 förblir konstant oberoende av utspädningen. Resultaten rapporteras som föroreningarnas massa per kilo förbrukat bränsle.

    I syfte att validera de vägkantsbaserade utsläppsmätningarna utfördes även inom projektet ombordmätningar på en buss (Euro V) med PEMS (Portable Emission Monitoring System). PEMS-mätningarna syftade även till att undersöka hur de uppmätta utsläppen under acceleration relaterar till utsläppen under körning i linjetrafik med en blandning av körning i stads- och landsbygdstrafik. Utifrån ombordmätningarna har för partiklar kunnat uppskattas gränsvärden på utsläpp under fullgasacceleration, vilka kan användas som indikation på att bussar vars utsläpp överskrider detta värde inte uppfyller de lagkrav de är certifierade mot. Bland annat till följd av den stora inverkan avgastemperaturen har på NOX-reningen hos Euro IV och Euro V bussar med SCR-katalysator, har motsvarande gränsvärden inte kunnat uppskattas för utsläpp av kväveoxider.

    Då bussar med olika drivmedel ingått i mätningarna har även drivmedlets inverkan på utsläppen kunnat studeras. Detta har dock främst varit möjligt för utsläpp av partiklar. När det gäller utsläpp av kväveoxider har det i de flesta fall inte gått att bedöma i vilken grad variationer i utsläpp berott på vilket bränsle som använts eller på otillräcklig reningsfunktion hos SCR-systemet till följd av för låg avgastemperatur.

    Om den vägkantsbaserade avgasmätmetoden ska kunna användas för att bedöma utsläpps-prestanda med avseende på kväveoxider i relation till gällande avgaskrav för bussar som är certifierade att klara Euro IV och Euro V kraven och som har SCR-katalysator, måste man försäkra sig om att avgastemperaturen vid mättillfället är tillräckligt hög för att SCR-systemet ska fungera optimalt. Detta är möjligt att uppnå om mätplatsen väljs så att mätningarna kan utföras i direkt anslutning till att bussen kommit från körning på landsväg eller motorväg.

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  • 5.
    Moldanova, Jana
    et al.
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Fallgren, Henrik
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Passig, J.
    Schade, J.
    I. Rosewig, E.
    Irsig, R.
    Kröger-Badge, T.
    Czech, H.
    Sklorz, M.
    Streibel, T.
    Li, L.
    Li, X.
    Zhou, Z.
    Zimmermann, R.
    Resonance-Enhanced Detection of Metals in Aerosols using Single Particle Mass Spectrometry2020In: Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, ISSN 1680-7316, E-ISSN 1680-7324, Vol. 20, no 12, p. 7139-7152Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    We describe resonance effects in laser desorption–ionization (LDI) of particles that substantially increase the sensitivity and selectivity to metals in single-particle mass spectrometry (SPMS). Within the proposed scenario, resonant light absorption by ablated metal atoms increases their ionization rate within a single laser pulse. By choosing the appropriate laser wavelength, the key micronutrients Fe, Zn and Mn can be detected on individual aerosol particles with considerably improved efficiency. These ionization enhancements for metals apply to natural dust and anthropogenic aerosols, both important sources of bioavailable metals to marine environments. Transferring the results into applications, we show that the spectrum of our KrF-excimer laser is in resonance with a major absorption line of iron atoms. To estimate the impact of resonant LDI on the metal detection efficiency in SPMS applications, we performed a field experiment on ambient air with two alternately firing excimer lasers of different wavelengths. Herein, resonant LDI with the KrF-excimer laser (248.3 nm) revealed iron signatures for many more particles of the same aerosol ensemble compared to the more common ArF-excimer laser line of 193.3 nm (nonresonant LDI of iron). Many of the particles that showed iron contents upon resonant LDI were mixtures of sea salt and organic carbon. For nonresonant ionization, iron was exclusively detected in particles with a soot contribution. This suggests that resonant LDI allows a more universal and secure metal detection in SPMS. Moreover, our field study indicates relevant atmospheric iron transport by mixed organic particles, a pathway that might be underestimated in SPMS measurements based on nonresonant LDI. Our findings show a way to improve the detection and source attribution capabilities of SPMS for particle-bound metals, a health-relevant aerosol component and an important source of micronutrients to the surface oceans affecting marine primary productivity.

  • 6. Sjödin, Åke
    et al.
    Jerksjö, Martin
    Fallgren, Henrik
    Salberg, Håkan
    Parsmo, Rasmus
    Hult, Cecilia
    Yahya, Mohammad-Reza
    Wisell, Tomas
    Lindén, Jenny
    On-Road Emission Performance of Late Model Diesel and Gasoline Vehicles as Measured by Remote Sensing2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A newly developed remote sensing instrument with NO2 and NOX measurement capability was operated in the fall of 2016 over 19 workdays in Gothenburg, Sweden, to measure real driving emissions from a large number light- and heavy-duty vehicles. From more than 30,000 registered vehicle passages, a final QA/QC-reviewed dataset consisting of about 15,000 paired records containing emissions, driving condition and detailed vehicle information data, was used to evaluate the real-world emission performance of in particular Euro 5 and Euro 6 diesel vehicles. More than 9,000 records were of diesel vehicles, of which about 5,500 were of Euro 5 vehicles and about 2,600 of Euro 6 vehicles. The following conclusions were made from the evaluation:

    - Measurements on more than 6,000 diesel passenger cars reveal that the real driving emissions of NOX from Euro 6 diesel cars on average have been reduced by about 60% from pre-Euro 6 levels, e.g. Euro 5. This may be considered a major breakthrough, since the real-world NOX emissions from diesel passenger cars have been virtually unchanged between Euro 2 and Euro 5, although the NOX emission standard has been significantly lowered from Euro 2 to Euro 5. Still, Euro 6 diesel passenger car real-world NOX emissions are roughly more than 5 times higher than the Euro 6 standard, as well as than the measured average on-road NOX emissions from Euro 6 gasoline passenger cars.

    - For NOX emissions, an almost identical pattern as for diesel passenger cars was observed for both diesel light-duty commercial vehicles and diesel heavy-duty vehicles (trucks and buses), i.e. virtually no change in real-world emissions between Euro 2 and Euro 5, followed by a major drop in emissions for Euro 6.

    - Primary NO2 emissions from diesel light-duty vehicles (both PC and LCV) have been reduced from Euro 4 through Euro 6, implying that the emission ratio of NO2 to NOX has also been reduced, but the ratio is still as high as about 25% for both Euro 5 and Euro 6 (compared to about 15% for Euro 2). The opposite pattern exists for heavy-duty vehicles, for which the NO2/NOX-ratio increased from about 10% for Euro 4-5 to ≈35% for Euro 6.

    - For all categories of diesel vehicles, real-world PM emissions have dropped steadily from Euro 2 through Euro 6 – reductions are in the order of 90% for Euro 6 compared to Euro 2.

    - For Euro 4, 5 and 6 diesel passenger cars, real-world emissions of both NOX and NO2 increase with decreasing ambient air temperature. The temperature dependence appears to be strongest for Euro 5 cars. At 25-30 degrees C average Euro 5 NOX on-road emissions are around 15 g/kg fuel burned, rising to 20-25 g/kg fuel burned at around 10 degrees C.

    - Large differences in the on-road NOX emission performance were observed between different makes, models, as well as individual vehicles among Euro 5 and Euro 6 diesel passenger cars.

    - For the first time, remote sensing measurements were combined with air quality measurements and dispersion calculations in an urban street canyon. Calculated average concentrations of NO2, NOX and PM based on HBEFA 3.2 were comparable with corresponding measured concentrations, but the discrepancy increased with increasing concentrations, with calculated concentrations being lower than measured. The latest version of the HBEFA emission model (version 3.3), launched in May 2017, provided a good match with the remote sensing measurements for both NOX and NO2 as well as exhaust PM, but at the same time tended to lead to an overestimation of street canyon concentrations of NO2 and NOX in dispersion calculations carried out in this study.

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