In the project "Open Access to Digital Data Sheets for Product Properties Based on Data Templates", it has included engaging in dialogue with market players about the conditions for how Swedish actors can facilitate the establishment of a national data lexicon and platform for making product data templates available.The dialogue was conducted by inviting representatives from the built environment sector to six workshops. Meetings were held to prepare for workshops, evaluate results, explore collaborations, and technical solutions.
Future EU legislation will require digital product passports for all products, and we expect these to be based on the data template concept. A digital product data template is based on properties defined in a data lexicon, which in turn is synced with other lexicons. In this way, coordination is achieved between different countries when the same property is used by multiple parties. A filled-in product data template becomes a product data sheet. A continued process is needed to establish a technical solution, organization, and financing. The work package has contributed to many insights, decisions, and initiatives for cooperation for the ongoing work.
Working meetings and workshops have resulted in increased knowledge and insights about requirements according to standards and needs regarding technical solutions, application instructions, and international cooperation.Contacts have been made and received very well at PDT Norge and Cobuilder regarding cooperation during the project and going forward. Representatives from Norway have participated in workshops and meetings with Swedish actors.The continued work on the future organization for development and management as well as the financing of activities to make data templates and data dictionaries available will now be run with the same actors as in the steering group of Regelforum, including Byggmaterialindustrierna, Byggföretagen, Byggherrarna and Fastighetsägarna.
Funding for such work needs to be solved, as resources are not available via Regelforum. The work will be carried out outside of this project, but the results will be reported.The project continues to work on the digital platform, how data templates can be communicated between different domains and implementation of both product data templates and system data templates, i.e. for building components and other objects such as spaces, buildings and construction complexes.