IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

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  • 1. Apel, Christina
    et al.
    Kümmerer, Klaus
    Sudheshwar, Akshat
    Nowack, Bernd
    Som, Claudia
    Colin, Catherine
    Walter, Lutz
    Breukelaar, Johan
    Meeus, Marcel
    Ildefonso, Beatriz
    Petrovykh, Dmitri
    Elyahmadi, Chaima
    Huttunen-Saarivirta, Elina
    Dierckx, Ann
    Devic, Anne Chloé
    Valsami-Jones, Eva
    Brennan, Maurice
    Rocca, Cris
    Scheper, Johanna
    Strömberg, Emma
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Soeteman-Hernández, Lya G.
    Safe-and-sustainable-by-design: State of the art approaches and lessons learned from value chain perspectives2024In: Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, ISSN 2452-2236, Vol. 45, p. 100876-100876, article id 100876Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Safe-and-sustainable-by-design (SSbD) is central in the European Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, yet a common understanding of what SSbD is in concept and in practice isstill needed. A comparison of current SSbD descriptions and approaches was made and lessons learned were derived from value chain discussions (packaging, textile, construction,automotive, energy materials, electronics, and fragrances value chains) to help provide input on how to implement SSbD in practice.

    Five important building blocks were identified:design, data, risk and sustainability governance, competencies, and social and corporate strategic needs. Other lessons learned include the identification of the biggest safety andsustainability challenges in a lifecycle-thinking approach towards the development of purpose-driven innovations, and connecting trans-disciplinary experts to the innovation process, already from the early phases. A clear understanding of what SSbD is and how to implement the SSbD framework is needed with clear procedures and incentives to support the industrial sector, especially SMEs.

  • 2.
    Brännström, Sara
    et al.
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Grahn Lydig, Sophie
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Lidfeldt, Matilda
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Mawdsley, Ingrid
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Strömberg, Emma
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Rydberg, Tomas
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Bioråvara till plast: nuläge och trender2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna rapport presenteras möjliga bioråvaror som kan användas för att producera biobaserad plast och potentiella plastalternativ som är under utveckling eller redan finns tillgängliga på marknaden. Kartläggningen har utgjorts av litteraturgranskning samt intervjuer med olika aktörer inom området.

    Kartläggningen av bioråvarupotentialen hade fokus på råvara från skog, jordbruk, hav samt från biologiskt avfall. Generellt framgår att potentialen är störst för skogsbaserad råvara, följt av jordbruksbaserad råvara och biologiskt avfall, medan potentialen för havsbaserad råvara är minst. 

    Projektet har kartlagt vilken produktionskapacitet som finns tillgänglig för biobaserad plast, främst avseende drop-in-plaster, som är direkt utbytbara med etablerade plaster, men även ersättningsplaster. Globalt är idag endast cirka en procent av plastproduktionen biobaserad. En övervägande del av dagens petrokemibaserade plaster produceras helt eller delvis via krackning av nafta och av det följer att om man kan konvertera biomassa in i det flödet får man in biobaserad råvara i alla dessa plaster, således för polyeten (PE), liksom för polypropen (PP) och polyetentereftalat (PET), som är de tre mängdmässigt största plastsorterna. Biobaserade plaster med annan molekylstruktur än dagens högvolymplaster, här kallat ersättningsplaster, är ännu ganska sparsamt förekommande på marknaden. Det är främst polymjölksyra (PLA) som används, och produktionskapaciteten ökar globalt. 

    En slutsats som dras i studien är att det pågår lovande utveckling och en långsam men stadig ökning av biobaserad plast, men att det är först runt 2030, och därefter, som bioråvara till plast, och plast från bioråvara, kommer att vara tillgänglig i större mängder.

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  • 3. Lyshtva, Pavlo
    et al.
    Voronova, Viktoria
    Barbir, Jelena
    Leal Filho, Walter
    Kröger, Silja Denise
    Witt, Gesine
    Miksch, Lukas
    Sabowski, Reinhard
    Gutow, Lars
    Frank, Carina
    Emmerstorfer-Augustin, Anita
    Agustin-Salazar, Sarai
    Cerruti, Pierfrancesco
    Santagata, Gabriella
    Stagnaro, Paola
    D'Arrigo, Cristina
    Vignolo, Maurizio
    Krång, Anna-Sara
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Strömberg, Emma
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Lehtinen, Liisa
    Annunen, Ville
    Degradation of a poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) compound in different environments2024In: Heliyon, ISSN 2405-8440, Vol. 10, no 3, p. e24770-e24770, article id e24770Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 4.
    Strömberg, Emma
    et al.
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Geidenmark Olofsson, Kristin
    Brännström, Sara
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Almasi, Alexandra Maria
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Design for recycling of products containing plastics: Pre-study: Towards a global standard which contributes to plastics circularity2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Plastic materials are important within our society and are useful in many applications. However, plastics are rarely used in a sustainable or resource efficient way. The global production of plastics stands at a staggering 400 million tons, with projections indicating a tripling of this demand by 2060 unless substantial policy measures are taken. Presently, only 9% of plastic waste is being recycled, highlighting an evident inadequacy of circularity in the plastic lifecycle.

    The concept of design for recycling is frequently mentioned as a crucial step towards increased circularity of plastic materials. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the fate of plastic products at the end of the lifecycle or how the design choices can affect the recyclability of the product.One of the objectives of this project was to facilitate a dialogue between the design industry and the recycling industry in Sweden, establishing a knowledge sharing forum for different actors in the value chains. Furthermore, the project focused on identifying the challenges related to product design which inhibit the recycling of plastic material, and mapping of available guidelines that promote design for recycling concept.

    This was implemented to understand the gaps and suggest different focus areas where standardised criteria would facilitate the transition to circular management of plastic materials. To understand the challenges that the industry is facing, interviews were carried out both with different companies that use plastic materials in their products and with different recycling industries. The results from the interviews were discussed during a workshop and thereafter used to suggest design areas which can be refined into general design for recycling guidelines/criteria for plastic products, presented in this report.

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  • 5.
    Strömberg, Emma
    et al.
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Norin, Helena
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Munthe, John
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Lihammar, Richard
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Opportunities and obstacles for a green chemical industry in Sweden2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report summarises the results of a set of initiatives taken to identify opportunities and obstacles for the vision to enable a safe, green and sustainable chemical industry, and ultimately reduce the exposure of humans and ecosystems to hazardous chemicals. It represents a mid-term result in the Swedish research programme Mistra SafeChem’s work to present vision and agenda for green chemistry in Sweden. The target group for this report is internal (Mistra SafeChem programme partners) as well as external for all parties interested in the transition to a safe, green and sustainable chemistry.  

    The report is based on the results of several activities/components: an overview of existing concepts for “Green Chemistry”, industry initiatives and the EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability; a previously published mapping of the Swedish chemical industry; a compilation and analysis of data on import, production and use of selected chemical groups from the Swedish products register and the results of interviews with representatives of chemical industries in Sweden are summarised. 

    Based on the results of these activities a number of obstacles and opportunities have been formulated along with general conclusions and recommendations for the enabling of the transition to a safe, green and sustainable chemistry. The main conclusions can be summarised as: 

    The EU Chemical strategy for sustainability and associated industry initiatives as well as current and planned research initiatives provide a strong framework for coordinated action towards a vision of safe, sustainable and green chemistry. 

    Chemical value chains are complex, international/global and include all societal sectors. Mapping chemical production and use with the purpose of analysing risks and prioritising areas for action/development is thus difficult and involves many actors. The chemical industry is also a heterogenous group of companies with activities ranging from small scale production of e.g. speciality chemicals and pharmaceuticals to large-scale production of base chemicals for a variety of applications and value chains. Different parts of the chemical industry also have widely differing conditions in terms of markets and market competition, industrial infrastructure, financial strength which all affect the possibility for change and introduction of new green and sustainable production methods and products. 

    Research, innovation and investments are central to the future development. Specific challenges are the needs for reliable and low-cost tools for assessment of chemical hazards of both new chemicals and existing chemicals in new materials and applications, and for assessing hazards and risks of chemicals and materials in a life cycle perspective. This is also important in relation to the development of methods to operationalize the Safe and Sustainable by Design concept. Other challenges are the development of innovative production processes, chemicals and materials which fulfil criteria of safety and sustainability and contribute to societal needs including abatement of climate change. 

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  • 6.
    Töpel, Mats
    et al.
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Osman, Omneya
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Almasi, Alexandra
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Geidenmark Olofsson, Kristin
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Strömberg, Emma
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Verifiering av sterilisering i processen för materialåtervinning av plast2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den nationella plastkartläggningen  visade att år 2017 användes över 813 miljoner engångsprodukter av plast inom hälso- och sjukvården i Sverige. Den största delen av detta avfall hanteras genom förbränning, och för att minska den miljöpåverkan detta leder till har ett antal initiativ tagits för att inkludera materialet i slutna kretslopp, där plasten används i samma applikation på nytt och där materialets höga kvalité kan behållas.

    För att kunna göra det på ett säkert sätt krävs dock att materialet kan steriliseras för att vara säkert att hantera.  Detta projekt har haft som mål att ta fram en metod för att mäta den eventuella steriliseringsprocess som sker när plast återvinns i den så kallade regranuleringsprocessen. Denna process innebär att plasten mals ner och smälts vid omkring 200°C. Om denna process är effektiv för att sterilisera materialet behövs inget separat steriliseringssteg innan regranuleringen. Vi har i projektet tillsatt bakterien Bacillus atrophaeus, en organism som ofta används för verifiering av sterilisering, till regranuleringen av LDPE-plast.

    Vi har sedan utvärderat olika metoder för att extrahera DNA från det regranulerade materialet samt utvecklat en qPCR-metod för att kvantifiera antalet överlevande bakterier. På så sätt har vi försökt mäta den eventuella steriliseringen av det regranulerade plastmaterialet.Resultatet visar att det fortfarande finns svårigheter att frigöra DNA-molekylerna från plasten, och att detta steg även kan ha en negativ påverkan på DNA-kvalitén. qPCR-metoden kan detektera B. atrophaeus och visar i ett separat värmeexperiment på en förväntad steriliseringseffekt över tid.

    Denna effekt kunde dock inte reproduceras i de labbförsök som utfördes med extruder (en utrustning som används för att pressa smält plastgranulat till den profil som önskas). Ett antal möjliga förklaringar till detta, samt förslag till vidare forskning presenteras avslutningsvis i rapporten. Exempel på fortsatta forskningsfrågor som presenteras är; fördelning av bakterier i plastmassan, inneslutande av celler i plastmaterialet, steriliseringseffekt i extrudern samt metod för bestrykning av bioindikator.

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  • 7.
    Unsbo, Hanna
    et al.
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Strömberg, Emma
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Almasi, Alexandra Maria
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
    Increasing the circularity of high barrier flexible plastic packaging - Results from WP1: Market analysis2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Plastic packaging constitutes a large part of the total plastic use in Sweden. However, only a limited fraction of all packaging put on the Swedish market each year is recycled. One of the reasons for this is the complex design of many plastic packages, which contributes to challenges when sorting, disassembling, and recycling the collected material into high-value applications. Flexible plastic packaging, namely films, used for packaging groceries/food are especially challenging when it comes to mechanical recycling. This category includes countless multi-layered film structures which often include, for example, barriers and adhesives that may affect the sorting and recycling of the material. The aim of the first work package was to conduct an initial market analysis to map and quantify the current and future use of complex high barrier laminates, both multi-material structures and mono-materials structures, on the Swedish market. The market analysis was carried out by studying available literature, both scientific and grey literature, as well as through interviews with relevant stakeholders.

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